James and I began this blog at the very beginning of our pregnancy with Wyatt to share and update our new adventures as we became pregnant and start the new season of parenthood. Sixteen weeks into pregnancy, I had to go into surgery to ensure our son would not come too early and shortly after, we found out Wyatt has Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). This is our humble attempt at being transparent and hopefully sharing the joys and love of Christ through this roller coaster ride we're on. And now to share even more with the new miracle on the way.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 81

Day 81: We had a nice day. I got there & immediately nursed and he did what seemed like a really good job so much so that I could put off pumping. I snuggled him up tight in a swaddle and just held him quietly to hopefully encourage him to sleep some. I know he's not getting his 12-14 hours a day!! His eyes just tell me he's fighting it. He had a minuscule amount of blood in his stool today. His NP & doctor checked him out and both seemed like it was nothing. Our doctor also spoke to his surgeon about his potential g tube surgery, which it is looking like that is the smarter choice. He has to come over and examine him first but that could happen as early as next week but it could not, you never know with Children's. I've made my voice heard to the fact that I want it in his stomach and not bypassing it- if it's possible. Still praying to know what is best for Wyatt and our family. We also have to figure out home healthcare... That's a while different situation... God has got this!!!

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