James and I began this blog at the very beginning of our pregnancy with Wyatt to share and update our new adventures as we became pregnant and start the new season of parenthood. Sixteen weeks into pregnancy, I had to go into surgery to ensure our son would not come too early and shortly after, we found out Wyatt has Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). This is our humble attempt at being transparent and hopefully sharing the joys and love of Christ through this roller coaster ride we're on. And now to share even more with the new miracle on the way.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wyatt Update

There really isn't much to report.  James and I went to see Dr. Hickman yesterday (Tuesday) for an update.  They checked my cervix- all is well there and looked at Wyatt.  His stomach is still in his chest and so are his small intestines.  I don't think that is new, we just didn't realize.  We saw his diaphragm.  It looks like a fingernail clipping on the screen.  She said it's not missing part so it must be a hole but you can't see it.  His liver is still where it needs to be.  She said she couldn't tell what was lung on the left side and what was small intestine so this could be good.  His lung could be a good size.  We just don't know yet.

Here is the timeline we have right now.  I'm assuming these things could change or not...

  • Thursday, April 5 we will have a fetal echocardiography.
  • Tuesday, April 10 we see Dr. Hickman again.  At this appointment she will take more measurements of Wyatt and I am hoping we'll have the results from the echo explained.  We will also schedule a fetal MRI.  The MRI should be done at 24 or 25 weeks.  
  • Around 32 weeks we will meet with all the doctors for our "family meeting".  
  • At 37 weeks my stitch will be taken out (I think this is staying the same, nothing else has been mentioned).
  • At 38 weeks we will be educed to ensure our team of doctors will be there and hopefully as close to Monday as possible so that they are there all week for me and Wyatt before the weekend crew comes in.  

Right now we looking the doctor options and are going to request some instead of just taking whomever.  James spent time doing that last night.  We will also request to begin seeing our new obgyn that will actually deliver Wyatt so that we can go ahead and get to know her.

We just beg that you continue to pray for our hearts, God using us to bring light into this dark world, Wyatt's development, God's miracles in him, and our doctors and the directions they are pointing us in!

Thank you so much for everyone's love and support.  We feel overwhelmed with all your kind words and prayers.


  1. Brandon and I prayed for you all with the news on Wyatt and we will continue to ask for miracles as he continues to grow!
    love, Allison

  2. Hi Casey and James,
    Casey do you remember being in small group with me? Feels like forever ago! Well, I saw your blog update a few weeks ago when you first explained all that was happening with Wyatt. I read it aloud to my husband Bryan, and we were both hit with knowing, in some ways how you both feel. We were told lots of scary statistics about both our boys. And so we know that feeling of hearing that and just how overwhelming that can be. But we also know we have a BIG God who's bigger than all the statistics and He is the ultimate Healer. I remember thinking "if he can breathe life into dust, he can do this, he can make a baby's lungs work, and make this baby survive." I always believed He could save both my sons. The struggle was when I wondered if He would....that can be the hardest part...waiting to find out what God will do. So, just know we are praying! We are praying for His healing work in Wyatt's body. And we are praying for your hearts and minds as you live out the rest of your pregnancy, praying that you can have many joyful moments together and you can live in an expectant hope of what God will do! We are believing with you that you will have a healthy son!! I'd love to talk to you more at some point about your story and how you are doing - if you want.

    Robyn and Bryan Adams
