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Ronix decided he wanted to be in the pictures as well! :-) We LOVE our doberman! |
How far along? 33/34 Weeks
Total weight: I'm about 166.6 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes and Yes! I have a couple of skirts and tank tops I can wear but shorts and pants must be maternity wear!
Stretch marks? Praising God for this answer to still be a NO! But James informed me last night that my linea nigra (that darkened line from the belly button down) is "dark". He stated, and I quote, "I can see it from across the room, it's dark!" That was not what I wanted to hear. I can't see it unless I look in the mirror, so I insist that it's still minimal. I'm ridiculous but I know I've seen pictures of women's bellys where the line really is DARK! He just hasn't seen what a dark line really is. haha.
Sleep: This depends on the day. Sometimes I can't get to sleep and sometimes I wake up and get back to sleep for hours (again, I am praising God for not working right now) and other nights I fall asleep fast, sleep hard and wake up refreshed. :-)
Best moment this week: Having family in town, staying at our house and being honored with a shower by great friends! Thank you to everyone who was able to come and pour on the love! :-) We also had a fabulous Maternity Photo Shoot with the talented Andi Stubblefield. (The pictures from above are her sneak peak to us! I linked her facebook page if you're in the DFW area and need a really good photographer- contact her! I've known her through church for years and she is a godly and loving lady!)
Miss Anything? Energy! and consistant sleep.
Movement: He is running out of room for sure. My ribs are getting kicked and my sides are taking the punches. All worth it. I am going to miss all his movements but also look forward to holding him in my arms one day.
Food cravings: SWEETS!!! Yesterday, i tried to convince myself that some ice cream was okay because it would be comforting... I should NOT let food "comfort" me. Oh my!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not quesay or sick but I will say that I got my first bit of heart burn this weekend. It was awful. I haven't had to watch what or how much I eat of anything (other than normal being healthy for the baby) but let me tell you- sausage, spicy pei wei chicken salad eaten probably too fast and some of James' Diet Dr. Pepper... OUCH!! I was hurting. Trying to sleep was just a lost cause. It felt like someone cracked open my sternum and it was on FIRE!! Needless to say, I didn't eat much yesterday, I was too scared I was going to feel like I had again. I prayed for just about every bit I took.
Gender: A BOY!!! Mr. Wyatt James Davis
Symptoms: Just being swollen and sleepy! See above!
Belly Button in or out? Still in. It is starting to look a little bit flat though...
Wedding rings on or off? I'm in my wedding band only because it's a tiny bit bigger than my engagement ring.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm pretty happy.
Looking forward to: Wyatt being here.
So, we'll begin with the MRI that we had on Thursday, June 14th with Dr. Twickler. I'll just bullet it all to make it easy:
- She doesn't see any left lung at all.
- Left lung could just be compressed or flattened but we won't know until they get in there for surgery.
- He can live with 1 lung.
- His lung can develop after surgery still.
- We don't know what will happen once the lungs actually fill with air after birth.
- Part of the liver IS in the chest, in front of his stomach with his small intestines.
- His right lung looks "good".
- We should be encouraged by the amount of the right lung.
- His head and the rest of his anatomy look good.
If his lungs have a % greater than 20, it's good, Wyatt's are measuring 33%! (Praise God!)
If his liver have a % less than 20, it's good. Wyatt's is measuring 15%! (again, Praise God!)
With these numbers, based on a study Dr. Twickler did 5 years ago on 15 CDH kiddos, Wyatt has a 1 in 8 chance of death, 1 in 4 chance of going on ECMO and 2 out of 3 chance of needing ventilation.
We look at those numbers just for what they are... numbers. James and I truly believe God is in complete control of this whole situation regardless of any doctor's numbers and percentages.
Information from the MRI, echocardiograms and sonograms per a "Family Meeting":
- Test results show positive numbers that they feel he will survive.
- They will get a breathing tube in quickly after birth.
- Wyatt will not be able to cry with the tube in.
- There will be a tube to get the air out of his stomach.
- We need his heart rate to be around 100 beats per minute and for him to turn pink to be considered in "good shape".
- There will be IVs that go in through his belly button.
- Once he is settled in, if his lungs are measuring good then they will let him be that way a couple of days and then go in for surgery. If they aren't stable, they might call in the ECMO team.
- If Wyatt does not need much help breathing and has stable numbers, he should be able to have surgery 3 or 4 days after birth.
- Apparently, our intestines are actually attached in place in our body in some way and his obviously aren't because they are up in his chest, so again, if he is stable enough, they will attach them when they are in moving everything down into his belly area. If not, then that will happen another day.
- If he has pulmonary hypertension (= high blood pressure in the lungs), ECMO will be a possibility.
- His left lung can still grow after the surgery.
Questions Asked w/ Answers:
Can me having a cerclage change any of the natural birthing/laboring process?
No, I can still begin natural labor before the stitch is removed.
Should we bank Wyatt's cord blood?
Pretty much that was an unanimous "No" from the doctors. And there are no donating places in the Dallas area.
Should be buy an air purifier for change anything with out beloved dog because of Wyatt's lungs?
No. We're good to go.
How do we find a pediatrician that will be sensitive to Wyatt's situation and hopefully close to home?
A case manager will help us with that at the hospital. Also, Wyatt will be followed closely for a long time by our team of doctors for his lungs and heart.
Do we buy a breast pump or rent on from the hospital?
They suggested renting since they are "hospital grade" and we can try different ones out if one doesn't work like we need it to.
I came 4 weeks and 1 day early and my sister came 2 weeks early. Can that effect or predict anything with Wyatt?
There's a chance. We honestly don't know.
What are my chances of actually getting to breast feed after the hospital?
There's a chance but again, we won't know until we get home and try.
So, about this Ronald McDonald House? Is that really an option?
It is not for us. You have to live at least 50 miles from the hospital. We live around 30 miles or so. Bummer!
My blood pressure: 116 over 72
My prego belly measurement: 33cm (= good)
My thyroid: Numbers came back low so they upped my synthroid from 112mg to 150mg. I haven't had a problem the entire pregnancy but they said this is normal for the end of the road.
My thyroid: Numbers came back low so they upped my synthroid from 112mg to 150mg. I haven't had a problem the entire pregnancy but they said this is normal for the end of the road.
After our appointment with Dr. Lo and our "Family Meeting" we were given a tour of Children's NICU area. It looked like how I imagined it to look for a NICU. A small room or pod with a baby bed in the middle (equipped with wires and tubes galore), and a recliner and/or couch-bed. There are waiting rooms, laundry and showers for us to use while there.
Then we went on over to Parkland's NICU. I am going to try and be completely honest and transparent here and say that God is working on my heart in this area. I am praying to not be in a negative place with Parkland's facilities. There is a reason Parkland is building new buildings. The NICU is old and cramped. There are several different rooms, each representing different levels of care needed. But it's not comfortable and does not cater to families being around much. I have no doubt in my mind that Wyatt is going to be taken care of better there than anywhere else he could be by the doctors and nurses but it is not pretty. We aren't allowed to be there from 9-noon each day so the doctors can come through. We just don't know what this will look like? How will I be able to be there each day to spend time with my little boy. I can't imagine not going down every day but it's also hard to see me sitting on a stool for hours a day next to his bed in a room with 7 other babies.... I don't know if I can describe it on here. I want to be there and hold his hand, talk and read to him and pump my milk so that as soon as he is able to, he can drink. The longer he is in Parkland, the better. That means he is stable and doing well so we hope no Children's but man, again, Parkland is not comfortable.
After looking at NICU, our new Village friend and L&D nurse, Catherine Harvey gave us a tour of Labor and Delivery. This is another place my heart needs some work. There are 2 sides, west and east. The west side is a coffin box of a room with no windows. I really don't understand how me, james, a nurse and a doctor will fit in the room at the same time.... You labor in there, then when it's time for delivery you get wheeled down to a delivery/operating room and you do your thing. I didn't get to see one of those. Then there is a different recovery area. In this area you could get lucky and be in a room alone or you're out in the open with a curtain with other women recovering too. I don't have a clue where you go once you've recovered and where you spend the 2 to 4 days??? Then we looked at the East side. Here the rooms are way more like what I've seen in other hospitals. You're in the same room for labor, delivery and recovery. The room I saw had a window, space and everything. I am hoping this is where Dr. Lo has us. I know we are going to be well taken care of by nurses and doctors no matter what but I am telling you, that west side seems so shady and uncomfortable. I know I am not better or above anyone else in the world nor do I deserve special treatment in any way for any reason. I know all of these things and I do feel snobby being so put out by the discomfort of everything but it was uncomfortable and discouraging. My biggest concern is for Wyatt's health and care and again, I can't tell you enough about my confidence in what's to come. So, please join me in praying for my heart in these areas.
I wrote everything above the line (with just a couple of additions in the "weekly update" part) last Wesnesday. I didn't post it right away for editing purposes but decided not to go back and edit. It's raw and real emotion. It's scrambled and choppy but it's how I felt and I'm leaving it as is to try to be humble and transparent.
It's now Monday morning (I basically woke up around 5 with James and haven't gone back to sleep- who does that with no work to go to?!?) and God has been so faithful in answering prayers. Here's how the rest of the week went.
Wednesday morning, on my way to work, I was overwhelmed with emotions about Parkland's facilities. I was fighting back tears about it. So, I decided to call Dr. Lo's nurse to request the "east" side of Labor & Delivery. She responded with sure, I'll let her know and then preceeded to inform me about how I'm not going to remember what the L&D rooms look like and it'll all be about Wyatt and blah blah blah. That's about what I heard because I felt patrionized. I'm in this situation, on the verge of tears (and I do not like to cry) with no control over anything and I just want to request one thing, one! All I wanted to hear her say was, "Yes, Casey, I will let Dr. Lo know you've made that request." Just let me control this one thing. I'm not upset with her in any way. She doesn't know my heart or my hurts. It's just not what I wanted to hear at the moment. I let her say her thing and thanked her and hung up, still fighting the tears. At that point, I knew I needed to let others know I was struggling so I sent a text out to my faithful home girl groupies asking for their prayers.
While I was at work with the girls, I was distracted so I didn't have to think about it at all that much. It made the day fly by, thankfully. I got home around 4ish or so and James was already home. I think he'd been since lunch. He had a "push to production" at work the night before and had been there since midnight. My poor hubby was exhausted. I made dinner, we watched a movie (I slept through most of it) and called it a night early. As we were about to fall asleep, I just confessed to James that I'd been fighting back tears all day and needed to cry... and I did. I honestly hadn't cried since Spring Break when we got Wyatt's CDH diagnosis. James, even in his pure exhaustion and sleep deprived state just held me and comforted me. Oh, how I love that man. One of the things he said to me that stood out was "I was wondering when you'd break down, you've been a rock this whole time." Sad that it took Parkland's lack of prettiness to bring it all out but I"m thankful something did and put it all in front of my face. I've been carrying around all these things that are unfinished, waiting patiently and/or lack of control things and I finally just blurted it all to him through my tears. It felt so good to just say it all out loud.
Anyway, with all that said, God has been so good. I am in a much better place today. I just needed to weep to God. It reminded me that He fills me up and He is enough. On my own, I cannot handle it all, I cannot do it all and I cannot be in control. He is. He loves. He sustains. He is my rock. He is good.
Thank you so much to everyone for your love, support and prayers. We just ask that you continue to pray for Wyatt's complete healing and our faith to trust that God heals and is in control.
(I will post baby shower pictures and a small keepin' it real moment later on... I figured this post was long enough and overdue!)
I wrote everything above the line (with just a couple of additions in the "weekly update" part) last Wesnesday. I didn't post it right away for editing purposes but decided not to go back and edit. It's raw and real emotion. It's scrambled and choppy but it's how I felt and I'm leaving it as is to try to be humble and transparent.
It's now Monday morning (I basically woke up around 5 with James and haven't gone back to sleep- who does that with no work to go to?!?) and God has been so faithful in answering prayers. Here's how the rest of the week went.
Wednesday morning, on my way to work, I was overwhelmed with emotions about Parkland's facilities. I was fighting back tears about it. So, I decided to call Dr. Lo's nurse to request the "east" side of Labor & Delivery. She responded with sure, I'll let her know and then preceeded to inform me about how I'm not going to remember what the L&D rooms look like and it'll all be about Wyatt and blah blah blah. That's about what I heard because I felt patrionized. I'm in this situation, on the verge of tears (and I do not like to cry) with no control over anything and I just want to request one thing, one! All I wanted to hear her say was, "Yes, Casey, I will let Dr. Lo know you've made that request." Just let me control this one thing. I'm not upset with her in any way. She doesn't know my heart or my hurts. It's just not what I wanted to hear at the moment. I let her say her thing and thanked her and hung up, still fighting the tears. At that point, I knew I needed to let others know I was struggling so I sent a text out to my faithful home girl groupies asking for their prayers.
While I was at work with the girls, I was distracted so I didn't have to think about it at all that much. It made the day fly by, thankfully. I got home around 4ish or so and James was already home. I think he'd been since lunch. He had a "push to production" at work the night before and had been there since midnight. My poor hubby was exhausted. I made dinner, we watched a movie (I slept through most of it) and called it a night early. As we were about to fall asleep, I just confessed to James that I'd been fighting back tears all day and needed to cry... and I did. I honestly hadn't cried since Spring Break when we got Wyatt's CDH diagnosis. James, even in his pure exhaustion and sleep deprived state just held me and comforted me. Oh, how I love that man. One of the things he said to me that stood out was "I was wondering when you'd break down, you've been a rock this whole time." Sad that it took Parkland's lack of prettiness to bring it all out but I"m thankful something did and put it all in front of my face. I've been carrying around all these things that are unfinished, waiting patiently and/or lack of control things and I finally just blurted it all to him through my tears. It felt so good to just say it all out loud.
Anyway, with all that said, God has been so good. I am in a much better place today. I just needed to weep to God. It reminded me that He fills me up and He is enough. On my own, I cannot handle it all, I cannot do it all and I cannot be in control. He is. He loves. He sustains. He is my rock. He is good.
Thank you so much to everyone for your love, support and prayers. We just ask that you continue to pray for Wyatt's complete healing and our faith to trust that God heals and is in control.
(I will post baby shower pictures and a small keepin' it real moment later on... I figured this post was long enough and overdue!)
Oh Casey, I have faith (just like y'all) that everything WILL be ok!! I can't imagine the emotion you have every day during this journey. From your updates, you have been SO strong and I would be the same way about the facilities. This is where you are going to spend your time and it is already a difficult situation so you want to feel at ease when there. I am sure the comfort you receive from the staff with help put you at ease! I have been praying and will continue to pray!
ReplyDeleteThank you Meredith! We are excited about the staff we are working with. We've met a several nurses already that go to The Village that have requested to be there and that puts us at ease as well as knowing the doctors are ready to go and know what to do with Wyatt! :-)
DeleteI'm still praying for you three, Casey. And I pray that His peace that surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate so much the glory you are giving God through all of this, and I know that He is so faithful to provide, even the tiniest of things that you had no idea you needed as well as the big miracles.
We're over here in Arlington, but if there's anything you need or that we can do, please don't hesitate to ask. It may be a thousand years before we see each other face to face, but please know that I'm lifting you up before our God and Father.
Grace and peace,
Thank you Renee! I've loved watching you grow in faith (I know it's just been through FB but it's been powerful!). I hope it's not 100 years!
DeleteYour photos are so sweet! She's a talented photographer.
ReplyDeleteContinuing to pray for all of you!
Casey, you're pregnancy pictures are aboslutely beautiful! I'm so encouraged by your words and how you and James continue to praise God through the midst of everything. What a testimony you two are! Love you and can't wait to meet this little bundle of joy!!!